Friday, November 18, 2016

Lab Grades Explained

Science lab grades are shown as "science participation" on your child's report card.  The classroom teachers determine the science concept grade as all the formal science testing is done in the classroom.  There can be a bit of a discrepancy between lab and concept grades.  We hope this explanation clarifies any questions you may have.

 In the science lab we determine grades through informal and formal assessments. We look through your child’s science journal and collect a variety of classroom handouts and lab notes. We also observe their classroom behavior while conducting experiments and listening to instructions. We look at how students participate in classroom discussions and whether or not they are prepared when they come to class. We expect our students to follow our science lab expectations and guidelines each time they come to lab. These expectations are posted  in the classroom, and also in your child’s science journal. They are the same expectations that we went over with your child at the start of the school year.

If your student is meeting our expectations on a consistent basis, they will receive a 3 on their report card. We interpret a 3 grade as something to be celebrated as your child is right on track, and performing as expected.  If a child receives a grade of a 2 we are looking for improvement in their classroom behavior and/or lab work.  As always, if you have any questions regarding your child’s performance in lab, please feel free to contact us.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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